Throughout the ages, people of faith have “associated” themselves with the Gospel spirit of a particular religious community in an attempt to grow in a deeper life of community, prayer, and service. And in our own day, many people are awakening to the discovery that each of our lives needs to find a deeper way of belonging, prayer, spiritual formation, and compassionate service to the poor. In this spirit, a number of people have begun to gather to explore what it might mean to become “associates” of the vision and ministry of the St. Camillus Center.
Rooted in our faith identity and having the Gospel teachings of Jesus as our central reference point, we have begun to meet regularly in an attempt to support each other in a prayerful lifestyle expressing itself in compassionate service to a hurting world around us. We are gather once a month for a time of prayer, spiritual formation, and sharing as we discern the way forward on how we might nourish what is deepest and truest within us; and how we are being called to release the deeper spiritual energies of faith, hope, and loving service that we are called to by Jesus.
For those who feel called to join us in our search for deeper life in the Spirit of the St. Camillus Center, please join us for our monthly meeting on the third Sunday of the month from 1-3:30 followed by the Pax Christi mass at 4:00. We are currently studying the teachings of Jean Vanier on the mysteries of Gospel community and the service of the needy of our world. (For more information about Jean Vanier you can read an interview with him.)
If you would like further information on the St. Camillus Associates Community, please feel free to contact either Sharon and David Hoover 323.225.4461 x369 or Fr. Chris Ponnet 323.225.4461 x221.