Originally called the Deacon James Dillon Award, this award is given to a person or group who shares the Saint Camillus Center’s commitment to spiritual care of patients in our hospitals but also in various urban settings. Deacon Jim died in 2007 after having served our patients for many years. Fr. Bob Jones, CM died in 2020 after having served as chaplain for over 21 years. He mentored many of our chaplain trainees and he was much loved by the medical staff and patients as well as fellow chaplains.
Composers of some of the most well-known songs we sing at Mass, recording artists, and theologians Bob Hurd and Trevor Thomson have shared their gifts of music to echo St. Camillus’s ministry of hope with communities across Southern California. Generously donating their time and talents, they have organized concerts providing opportunities for the faithful to receive the witness and stories of the St. Camillus chaplains and those that they serve.
You can enjoy full-length recordings of their most recent concerts thanks to our hosting parishes at Our Lady of Assumption, Claremont and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Hermosa Beach.
Jackie Carter, RN serves as the Pain Resource Nurse at Los Angeles General Medical Center. She is praised by LA General, as "community-aware and always ready to help with an empathetic attitude. When a patient is in need, she is quick to respond with the utmost regard. A gem to know, sweet, positive, and honest, Jackie has the respect and support of her friends and colleagues."
In honor of Fr. Chris Ponnet’s mother who was a Registered Nurse all of her professional life providing direct service cares to patients at Queen of Angles, LAC+USC and Alhambra Community hospitals. Mary Ponnet, a widowed mother of eight children, and her daughter Jeanne Yugar, RN continue to remain an inspiration to Fr. Chris Ponnet. We honor all who work at the bedside and provide direct care for the persons we serve. We honor all who work at the bedside and provide direct care for the persons we serve.
Chandra Heyman founded Talking Angels, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, in 2018. Through fundraising and monetary donations, the organization is able to purchase sherpa throw keepsake blankets which are embroidered with the Talking Angels logo. The keepsake blankets are donated to palliative care, hospice, skilled nursing facilities and or other care organizations to give to patients or their families. The keepsake blanket donation is intended to be a kind, comforting warm gesture and a gentle reminder that Talking Angels cares and that you are not alone. The mission of Talking Angels is not to take away the emotional pain during the medical treatment and or chronic illness of a loved one, but to ease it.
In honor of Fr. Chris Ponnet’s mother who was a Registered Nurse all of her professional life providing direct service cares to patients at Queen of Angles, LAC+USC and Alhambra Community hospitals. Mary Ponnet, a widowed mother of eight children, and her daughter Jeanne Yugar, RN continue to remain an inspiration to Fr. Chris Ponnet. We honor all who work at the bedside and provide direct care for the persons we serve. We honor all who work at the bedside and provide direct care for the persons we serve.